in the Word

The mission of this ministry is to publish insightful and thought-provoking concepts, all deeply anchored in the Word of God!

The flock is leaving because the shepherds have deserted them

Posted by SS - 01/05/2025

The church in America is truly in need of a Second Great Revival. Attendance and membership is at an all time low. Click here to view a fantastic video on the apostasy in the modern church.

Miracle of Lucy

Posted by SS - 10/28/2024

World War I was fought between 1914-1918 and we recently passed it's 100th Anniversary. I thought I would share a different type of war story. This piece I originally published on my main business website during the anniversary years. The ruins of Lucy Artists sketch of the ruins of Lucy

The Battle of Belleau Wood, situated on the out skirts of Lucy-LeBocage, France was fought between June 1 and June 26, 1918, and was part of the German Aisne offensive. The main German attack was repulsed on June 4 and US forces began offensive operations on June 6.

The ruined church of Lucy LeBocage is an object which dwelt vividly in the minds of thousands of American soldiers of the 2nd and 26th Divisions who were accustomed to pass by it on their way to or from the front lines in Belleau Wood. Lucy was the nearest village behind the American battle front.

During World War I, Ernest Clifford Peixotto served as a Captain in the United States Army Corps of Engineers, Director of the Section of Painting, and one of eight official artists attached to the American Expeditionary Force. Their job was to create a visual record of events. He sketched this drawing of the church while passing by one day to the front lines.

In the little parish church of Lucy hung unscathed through all the bombardments the touching symbol of the crucified Christ which we see here. Many a doughboy, weary & fatigued from war, must have received peace and courage from this amazing site. One cannot help but quote the 23rd Psalm when seeing this incredible photograph.

Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures,
 He leadeth me beside the still waters.
He restoreth my soul, he leadeth me in the the paths
 of righteousness for his name's sake.
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death,
 I will fear no evil, for thou art with me;
 thy rod and thy staff they comfort me.
Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies,
 thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over.
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life,
 and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

Welcome again to our new ministry home

Posted by SS - 10/24/2024

For those visiting from our old URL, thank you for your continued interest in our site. We have moved the ministry website so that all of our published content is under one umbrella, rather than several domain names. We have great plans for this ministry, and with Gods willing and with His guidance, we will alwasys give Him the glory! There are several digital downloads planned to help in your daily walk with the Lord. Until then, God bless!

Flipping Houses

Posted by SS - 08/26/2024

Satan is forever trying to undo what God has done. When he rebelled in heaven, he got 1/3 of the angels to follow him. After trying to reverse heaven with some success, his pride swelled so big that he went after God's next creation. Satan told Eve in the garden, that God knows when she eats of the forbidden fruit that she will become like God, knowing good from evil. Lets analyze that statement for a second... that she will "become like God". The real lie that Satan is saying here is that man can BECOME God by disobeying God. By not following His instructions and living as He wants us too, if we disobey Him we can become God and live as we please. The same mistake that Satan had made. But, now God has had enough. He basically replies, 'Okay Satan, you want to play that game? Then I, God, the alpha and the omega, I will become man. I will send my Son, whom I will allow you to mock and crucify and hang on a tree as dead. But, Satan, listen carefully. On the third day, I will rise from the dead. Defeating the death that you have brought into my Creation, and all those that believe in me will spend eternity with me. While you and your followers will spend eternity in the bottomless pit of fire and brimstone.' Satan, knowing that he was defeated, was left wandering the earth to this day, still looking for any that will listen to his lies. And although it seems at times that Satan is ruling this world, this house will be flipped too. Someday Jesus is returning and He will reclaim His creation for His Father. What a glorious day that will be! Halleluiah and Amen!

Two trees, different outcomes

Posted by SS - 08/08/2024

Adam and Eve stretched out their arms, took from the forbidden tree, and sin entered the world. Jesus stretched out His arms on the tree, and took the worlds sins on Himself. Praise and Glory goes to Jesus, forever and ever!

What year is it?

Posted by SS - 08/07/2024

To atheists everywhere, please stop and ponder this question. Why is it the year it is? As this post is being written, tell me please, why is it 2024? What happened 2,024 years ago that reset every calendar in the world to the same starting date?

Sure, the Chinese have their calendar, and the Jews are still counting the days from Creation. But, as general rule, all the world agrees what year it is. The pagans would say everyone adopted a universal calendar for trade purposes. There is probably some truth to this, as the Scriptures plainly instruct that the love of money is in mens hearts like a plague. But, that doesn't explain why 2,024 years ago and not 3,000 or any other chosen starting point was not selected instead.

Something absolutely incredible must have happened then for the world to agree on this entry point. The countries of the world cannot even agree on what side of the road to drive on. Yet, some how we all agreed to reset our clocks at the same time. Why? What incredible event must have happened? Perhaps the appearance of God Himself in man form?

I'll stick with this answer, and thank you God for sending your Son to a lost world to pay for our sins! Salvation is a free gift to all who humble themselves and confess to God that they are a sinner in need of His Son, Jesus!

What is ailing the Churches of Today

Posted by SS - 07/04/2024

"Many are guilty of MERELY NIBBLING at the truth of the Christian Gospel... the preaching of the Word of God is being pulled down to the level of the ignorant and spiritually obtuse; that we must tell stories and jokes and entertain and amuse in order to have a few people in the audience. We do these things that we may have some reputation and that there may be money in the treasury to meet the church bills. In many churches, Christianity has been watered down until the solution is so weak that IF IT WERE POISON, IT WOULD NOT HURT ANYONE, and IF IT WERE MEDICINE, IT WOULD NOT CURE ANYONE!" — A.W. Tozer

To God goes ALL the Glory of this Ministry

Posted by SS - 03/23/2024

Welcome to Anchored in the Word ministry. Many Christians do not realize it, but they have a ministry. All of us are commanded by our Lord and Savior to share the Good News. So, with that truth understood, I along with some of my Christian friends will post material here that we hope will inspire and open your eyes to God's grace and never ending Love for you through His Son, Jesus Christ.

My first post, which is being written right now will explain the hidden meaning of this ministries logo. Other posts in the works will explore the false prosperity message which is so rampant in the church today, especially in America.

2 Corinthians 2:17 — Don't Peddle the Word of God for Profit!

Posted by TAJ - 03/23/2024

Many people have different motives for preaching the Word of GOD. Some people are very serious about sharing GOD'S WORD with pure motives that many recieve true salvation. Others preach the Word of GOD for self glorification and then there's brothers and sisters that preach who see a good income that comes from using GOD'S WORD for a profit making business under a "nonprofit banner".

Freedom... where does it come from?

Posted by TAJ - 03/23/2024

As I'm reading, "Seeing CHRIST in the New Testament" by Stephen Kaung and also listening to Keith Green. I am experiencing new freedom, due to surrendering to the Kingdom teaching of which is in the Holy Bible and not of man's teaching or interpretation; but of and from the HOLY SPIRIT. I'm seeing and experiencing a totally true freedom by GOD Himself, which can ONLY come from HIM!

My work in the Philippines

Posted by TAJ - 03/24/2024

I have made three trips to the Philippines on Missionary work. Much more will be shared about these experiences on this site, but this photo shows some of the villagers I shared the Gospel with while in the mountains of Ilocos Norte.

Ted's work in the Philippines